ShrimadRajchandra Love and Care is the social-service wing of the Mission;an NGO to offer service and bring joy to the lives of the underservedsections of society. Founded in 2003, its initiatives have had apositive impact on over 5.3 million lives till date and have beeninstrumental in extending love to people, animals, and theenvironment.
Operatingin 50 cities worldwide, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care’s primaryfocus is the development of the tribal regions of South Gujarat,which are amongst the poorest rural areas in India. It bringstogether over 500 volunteers from all walks of life – all unitedwith the same purpose of extending their love and care.
ShrimadRajchandra Love and Care believes that to truly transform someone’slife, all aspects of one’s life such as – health, education,family, community, environment – must be transformed. Hence, itdesigned a unique ‘10 Care’ approach which aims at making apositive change in the 10 all-encompassing aspects of anyindividual’s life. Recognising that the whole is greater than thesum of its parts, these ‘10 Cares’ when combined have the powerto truly enrich.
RajUphaar is part of the ‘Women’s Care’ programme of ShrimadRajchandra Love and Care, and is amongst the fully-fledged institutesoperated by Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care.